
Heart Space Holistic
Business Name
Contact Name
Jason Lee

Jason Lee specializes in Sound Healing, Breathwork and Yoga.

Shari Crook and Krista Tew, Owners
Contact Name
Shari Crook Turnage and Krista Tew, Owners

Multi-modality practitioner collaborative provides alternative options for mind, body and spirit. Services Offered are Massage, Yoga, Health Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Sound Therapy, Singing Bowls, Reiki, Meditation. Visit this calm and tranquil space.

Holistic Health and Healing of Mississippi is a collection of practitioners in the HEALING ARTS. Our space is an inviting, intimate, comfortable environment for practitioners to guide and assist clients on their wellness and spiritual journey. Rental space is available for practitioners to see clients for private sessions. We also have a conference room that is ideal for meetings, small group events, classes or workshops. For more information email at or text Krista Tew at 601-506-0416.

Listing Tags
132 Riverview Dr Ste D
Joyflow Institute of Integrative Health
Contact Name
Debi Saraswati Lewis

Debi Saraswati Lewis, founder of Joyflow Yoga, has taught yoga for over 30 years, owned a studio for over 25, mentored yoga instructors through the first Yoga Alliance 200 hour registered program in Mississippi for 20 years. The Enneagram has been a part of her life for at least 30 years and she is certified as an Enneagram teacher through the Enneagram Institute with Don Riso and Russ Hudson.

Debi is the published author of “Yoga Nine Ways: Awaken to Source with Yoga and Enneagram” which expresses her ground-breaking ideas integrating these wisdom traditions with life changing and practical applications. She brings this knowledge and experience into her inspirational coaching, workshops and retreats all over the world.

Debi is an inspirational muse. Wherever she goes she inspires and creates a space of joy and light around her and within her clients. Because of her own journey to overcome depression and experiencing her own connection to inner Divine Guidance and Joy, she has trained in many modalities:
Reiki, Healing Touch, Shamanic Journeying, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Thai Massage, Sacred Circle World Dance, Dance Meditation, Art Therapy, Laughter Yoga, Sound Therapy (flutes, singing bowls and drums) and more. She sprinkles rainbows of these Sacred Gifts into her Coaching.

Debi offers classes and events at Russells Yoga. Check out her offerings on Metaphysical Mississippi Events Calendar or her website for current offerings.

Joyflow at Russells Yoga with Debi
1050 N. Flowood Drive, Ste C4, Flowood MS (back of bldg. through wooden gate)
Text 601-613-4317 to Register

Listing Tags
Joyflow at Russells Yoga with Debi
1050 N. Flowood Drive, Ste C4
Russells Yoga Studio
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Russell Holley

Russells Yoga, a yoga experience like no other. A beautiful studio and lush deck that will surround you with healing, life and rejuvenation. Russell Holley is a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master and ordained minister.

His current class schedule is as follows:
Sunday 11 am Yin
Sunday 1 pm Chair
Monday 5:30 pm Power
Friday 11 am Chair
Friday 1 pm All Levels
Saturday 11 am All Levels

Text Russell at 601-826-7376 to reserve your spot.

Russell also hosts a Community Reiki Share at his studio the third Wednesday of every month.  Find out more about the Community Reiki Share and his other events on Metaphysical Mississippi's Events Calendar.

Joyflow at Russells Yoga with Debi is currently offering classes in the studio as well.
1050 N. Flowood Drive, Ste C4, Flowood MS (back of bldg. through wooden gate)
Text 601-613-4317 to Register with Debi

Listing Tags
1050 N Flowood Drive Ste C4