Episode 67: Russell Holley Shares the Importance of Gratitude Even When Facing Adversity

Russell Holley joins hosts Krista Tew and Emily Hester to discuss gratitude during the ups and downs of everyday life. Russell will also be hosting November’s Metaphysical Mississippi Meetup on November 8th from 7-8:30 pm at his Yoga Studio. They will continue the discussion of the podcast and more at the upcoming meetup. The first topic will be “Navigating the Holiday Season with Family and Friends of Different Faiths and Belief Systems” followed by a discussion on “Being in Gratitude and Showing Appreciation during times of Grief and Adversity.” The holidays, though are times of celebration and joy, can also be stressful and bring up anguish and depression, even for those on an enlightened spiritual path. Come and share with others in a safe space and prepare to meet this holiday season centered and with serenity.as they discuss thankfulness and gratitude during the holiday season. To learn more about Russell visit his directory listing on our website here.

Metaphysical Mississippi
Metaphysical Mississippi
Episode 67: Russell Holley Shares the Importance of Gratitude Even When Facing Adversity