What a Party!! I think it is safe to say that the first annual Metaphysical Mississippi Meetup Christmas Party was a success. So much love was in the house at Holistic Health and Healing. Old friends and new connected and celebrated the holiday season. Though there was amazing food and fellowship, the highlight of the evening was the drawing for the door prizes that were donated by some of the members of the Metaphysical Mississippi community. So many wonderful goods and services were given away. A big THANK YOU to those who provided the door prizes.

Below is a list of the gifts that were offered:
- Beth Herzig of TAKE A BREATH WITH BETH provided a new book by author Dr. Nicole LePera, How to Meet Your Self: The Workbook for Self Discovery.
- Charlotte Bass, Reiki Master Teacher, donated a copy of a children’s book she wrote, Before I was Born I Could Fly.
- Christy Littlefield contributed offerings from her apothecary, including a tincture, oils and cedar bundle.
- Dottie Prestel of One River Wellness gifted an hour Jin Shin or massage session.
- Heidi Gill of Nourishing Practices gifted an hour massage.
- Jason Lee with Heart Space Holistic donated a private sound bath session.
- Jennifer Malik with Yoga Earth Journey offered a gift certificate for a private yoga class.
- Jina Daniels, owner of Jax-Zen, gave a gift certificate for a 90 minute float tank session.
- John Yoakum, Reiki Master and massage therapist, donated an hour massage/Reiki session.
- Kelly Smith with TwinMoonMagick donated a beautiful 4 piece Yuletide candle set.
- Krista Tew with Just BE Holistics provided a 1 hour Reiki session.
- Lee Shook, Intuitive Reiki Master and craftsman, provided a magnificent handmade wooden bowl.
- Lynlee Healy of Healy Energy Works provided an offering of an energy healing session.
- Lynn Ray of Eye on Wellness provided a coupon for a free Bio Scan health reading.
- Mississippi Reiki Association gave a crystal heart pendant made by member Lee Shook.
- Russell Holley gifted 2 free yoga classes at his beautiful yoga studio.
- Scott and Melanie Stewart, new owners of Soul Synergy Center, donated a mystery gift box filled with many goodies inside, including incense and crystals.
- Shari Crook, Resolution Hypnotherapy, donated several fun Chakra kits, Secrets of Tarot gift sets, and book, The Four Agreements.
- William “Michael” Kelly, holistic healer with Temple of the Rays, offered a free 30 – 60 minute Reading session.
In addition to the above door prizes, Jennifer Malik and Russell Holley will be coordinating a special group yoga class event for all party attendees who signed in.
There were almost as many giveaways as there were partygoers. Though a few of us left empty handed, NO one left empty hearted: All hearts were full!!
Now, as the year comes to a close, we look forward to the new year and great plans for 2023 are underway.
Starting in January, Holistic Health and Healing will be the new home base for our regular monthly Meetups on the second Wednesday evening of every month. Please note that the start time will be at 7pm instead of 6:30 pm.
However, Metaphysical Mississippi will still be up for visiting other places in the Jackson area and across the state. We are excited to start our Pop Up Meetups. If you are interested in hosting a Pop Up Meetup please Contact Us. Also if you would like to help support us so we can take this on the road or grow and expand in your area, please consider donating, check out our Get Involved page. It takes funds and resources to make this happen. Every little bit helps.
Our first official Pop Up Meetup will be January 22 in Starkville!